An Administrative law is a body of law that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government.

Government agency action can include rule making, adjudication, or the enforcement of a specific regulatory agenda. Administrative law is considered a branch of public law. It deals with the relation of an individual with government and determines the organization and power structure of administrative and quasi-judicial authorities to enforce the law. It is primarily concerned with official actions and procedures and puts in place a control mechanism by which administrative agencies stay within bounds.

However, the administrative law is not a codified law it a judge made law which evolved over time. The term “administrative law” is not a newly coined term. The traces of administrative law can be seen in almost every legal system of the world. In India, from Maurya’s to Guptas, Guptas to Mughals, from Mughals to the East India Company: in all the mentioned periods administrative law was one of the most developing branches of law. Administrative Law can be said to be the most remarkable development of the 20th Century.

The development of administrative law goes hand-in-hand with the development of the society. Administrative law can more rightly be said to be the sociology of law and not the philosophy of law.

Our team is very passionate, accurate about the task handed over. We are successfully (Best possible legal team) capable of handling most complex legal issues faced by our clients. Our team handles the case in a dedicated creative and zealous approach expecting client to hold strong hands.

Our approach and goals are set keeping in view the desired result in our client’s mind. Our team always discuss the consequences which can arise during the Administrative Litigation and the replications.

Our legal team of best lawyers is always kenned to draft the cases based on facts keeping in view the law points and defense consequences in mind.

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